Monday, September 6, 2010

I in India

Ah! t'was futile,I lament,like thee
Searching I in India,I lost me
T'is identity crisis.
Emotions trapped in parenthesis

The world's small,yet peace needs to crawl
On poor's hunger,rich dines;India doth shines
Sue corruption,shall I?for none got its due
Values once hailed,by dirt stands veiled
Thoughts maligned and manipulated for greed
Pride's lost and I failed,for a land once mine

Life's tough,we crib and complain
What of those,whom we look down with disdain?

Bribe gods, yet unmoved by a silent plea
For basic needs,so indifferent, are we?
Naked and hungry,as they sing songs to feed
We turn our faces and munch along;wonder to where we lead
Of hatred,break the wall,why fight?
Shine even in darkness;light the hearts like the divine
Clothed and fed,of better times,may the child dream
Act,lest it remain a trashed paper scheme
Respect work and people,even those deemed low
Road to equality,let the land of Gandhi show

Why blame others, when conscience’s the key
Let thee be the change the country wants to see !


Babli said...

You tried a nice, different topic. such topics are very rare to see in the poems of today's's really nice..the writing, the feelings, everything seems picture-perfect. loved reading it.:) BRAVO!

poorvi ahuja said...

life's tough,we crib and complain...
well said!!!