Sunday, September 22, 2013


I am
Limitless like the sea;
Free me of those clutches,
No more of that scarlet blood
Reason is not the crux anymore
‘Tis insanity, it is the Serendipity

Fractured emotions and time
Only to split and merge again
You be the river that flows deep
While I shall be the mute ballad
In the chaos of thine eyes
You too shall fly, in sync

Don’t stop me, you can’t
I leave no footprints behind
Neither had I followed one.
You make your own history

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I drink to thee

The night is lonely, so am I
Sans thee by my side
In the warmth of deluded love,
Let me die-you be my alibi

There’s pleasure in my woe
My silence moans in thy caress
There’s lust even in that whisper
And love that kills me with every fill

Let me drink from your lips
That cajoles me into here everyday
You soothe me like none else does
Your touch lingers a little more
When everything else wears off

There are no more boundaries
No lies that escape you, no love either
Beloved, your beauty is my joy
With you, I’m a poet; I sing aloud

Away from the crimson hues, I dance
Holding hands of my own shadow
In you, I seek peace…I smell death
And I plummet into depth unknown…

P.S.—I don’t drink !

Monday, April 15, 2013


In the rifts of my divided heart,
In the spaces between my occupied mind,
There lies a deserted land
Sand-duned, breathing heavily in oases.

It's not like the dry blood stains
But like the red-hued sunset of the evening sky!
It's not like the lurid yellow flower
But like the blinding sun of the blue noon sky!
It's not like love's passionate nights
But like afternoons spent on the banks of a silent river.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tendrils of Love

While the rains lashed upon our roof,
A few saline drops melted in an embrace
And eyes conversed through tendrils of love;
Ours is a wild flower
The one you caress as a breeze
And before whispers blot the silence
Without a rush, let's steal a kiss...

In the still darkness of the night
Crumpled sheets tell a tale so different
Like when my fingers brushed against your palm
Amidst the hustle in the rickety bus

The mirrors lie, we've grown younger
Our hearts more vivacious than ever,
More than the mundane demeanour
The little fights spice it up and binds us stronger

Ours is a story too plain, and grey
Like my hair that separate each day
Paint it with joy, oil with care
Love's buttoned pain, together we shall share !